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Intervew on Holiness 001 (Ed Dudek, professor at BCOM)

Intervew on Holiness (Ed Dudek, professor at BCOM)

This was taken on a hot summer day (2004) at Bethany College of Missions which is located at Bloomington, Minneapolis,MN.

Ed Duek is one of my professors at the college. He used to teach us with great power, love, and zeal. For 18 years he and his family were missionaries to Brazil.

I give thanks to God for him. Praise the Lord for all that he has given to us in the classroom and beyond.

Here is one of his books he wrote on holiness.

СКАЧАТЬ ВЫПУСК   18:13, 12.5 Мб
добавлен 23.06.09 17:22

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